2025 Free Resources
Thrive in Marriage Video Series
Thrive in Marriage Video Series is a gift valued at $249 from Greg and Julie Gorman of Married For a Purpose. (marriedforapurpose.com)
Do you desire greater connection in your relationship? Long for deeper communication? Want your marriage to thrive – not just survive? Whether you’re about to say I do or have celebrated your golden anniversary, “Thrive in Marriage” will help you to enjoy the marriage you’ve always wanted.
Thrive in Marriage is a stand-alone video-driven course for couples, providing 10 video lessons designed to help couples experience greater friendship and connection. Each message provides an interactive participant guide for the accompanying video. Simply download it from the site, print it out, and begin holding deeper, more meaningful conversations.
Thrive in marriage will help you …
Session 1: Surrender, Completely
Session 2: Forgive Freely
Session 3: Don’t Shift the Blame
Session 4: Resist the Devil’s Lies
Session 5: Replace Unrealistic Expectations
Session 6: Tame Your Tongue
Session 7: Be Intentional
Session 8: Pursue Intimacy, Not Just Sex
Session 9: Fight For, NOT with Your Spouse
Session 10: Dare to Dream, Together.
In just a few minutes, you will receive an invitation from us to access your free gift. Please watch for your FREE login with a password. If you do not see it right away, look in your spam and promotional filters. If you have not received access within the next 24 hours, don't hesitate to reach out to us so that we can help.
~Thank you, Greg and Julie for your generous gift!
(This free resource is available throughout 2024)
Free Rebuilding Trust Guide
Discover the 6 practical steps to rebuilding trust . No matter how trust has been broken, it's possible to rebuild it and to even have a better marriage than before! This short guide gets you started in the right direction.
Couples Connection Plan
Everyone wants to be loved and to know that love isn't going anywhere. To know someone else is committed to you, committed to growing with you, and equally putting in effort into your home and marriage.
It takes intentionality and learned skills individually AND together to grow as a couple. But your marriage CAN go the distance. "Pursuing a Lasting Love" can be full of joy and adventure.
Together, know what direction you want your marriage and family to head in. Give thanks for one another often, share laughter and have fun amidst the busyness of life, make time for yourselves as a couple (especially with kids in the house), and preserve the vision and dreams you have for yourselves.
Keep moving forward...together.
Date Ideas for Couples
Everyone says to keep dating your spouse when you are married. But do you find yourself struggling to know what to do? Or are you looking for some fresh ideas?
We asked some of our National Marriage Leaders to share some of their unique date ideas to pass on to you. Pick one, or try them all, and let their ideas help inspire you as you carve out time to prioritize and focus on each other.
They have also included some resources and books for you to help you continue to connect with your spouse.
Just remember. A date doesn’t have to be elaborate to be special. It’s special just because the two of you are making a memory together.
- The National Marriage Week Team